New Hardware for the Desk
January 31, 2012
A few weeks ago I shared a post of my updated look for an old Eagle desk.
Basically, I filled the shelves with a collection of Reader's Digest condensed books from the 1950's with very decorative covers, and removed some of my knick knacks.
This is the recap:
Basically, I filled the shelves with a collection of Reader's Digest condensed books from the 1950's with very decorative covers, and removed some of my knick knacks.
This is the recap:
Then with the new hardware...
I am sure that many of you are shaking your heads wondering why on earth I went with antique brass drawer pulls and not brushed nickel. They were on sale, but that's not it! Gold or antique brass simply goes with my non-contemporary living room. The Sedgefield lamp on the desk is antique brass. Most of my picture frames are gold.
I could say that brass is coming back in style, but I don't know that for sure. I read on another blog that yes, the too shiny brass that was overused in the 1980's and 1990's is out of style, but antique brass, solid brass, will always be in style. Timeless. Historical. (That's my story, and I'm sticking to it)
Anyways those tired old wood drawer pulls needed to be changed up!

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