Perennials in Peril

January 17, 2012

As I sit writing this post, the temperature in my town in northern Minnesota is zero degrees with -11 degrees expected for a low.  This is the view out my window:

As you can see there is less than six inches of snow on the ground.  Under the trees, bare ground is visible.  This is why my perennials are in peril, no snow and cold temperatures.  I already live in USDA Hardiness Zone 3, so I choose fairly hardy perennials, but every once in a while I decide to "push the envelope" and try a Zone 4 or 5 plant.  With a decent snowfall, these Zone 4 or 5 beauties will survive a few seasons.  Let's look at the Northern Minnesota perennials from my 2011 gardens. 

My favorites, the Asiatic Lilies.   They seem to be at more risk from rodents than weather.

This is a carpet of fire or flame sedum threesome I purchased together in a pot just last year.  I hope they are hardy.  I think angelina, blue spruce and dragon's blood.

The peonies are quite hardy, they came with my house purchase, 21 years ago.

I'm proud of this clump of Maltese Cross that I started from seed. 

These maiden pinks should perk up if we have a warm spring.

I have had some liatris die out before. 

The lady's mantle are also pretty hardy.

I think my globe thistle will make through some cold nights.  Pretty hardy.

My Gardenview Scarlett monarda are a Zone 4 speciman.  What will happen?

If I lose the Forget Me Nots, hopefully some seedlings will come in the spring. 

This euphorbia is also about 2 years old and has never been though a snowless winter.

This creeping baby's breath has been pretty vigorous, but my tall baby's breath died out a couple years ago.

This little filapendula dropwort is only a couple years old, a transplant from my cousin. 

These cheddar pinks should make it.

I only have 2 of the 3 Blue Chips Campanulas I planted left.

These coneflowers are hardy.
Hmmm.  This bleeding heart is only 2 years old and hasn't had a snowless winter.

I hope your flowers have a good winter!  I will keep you posted how these and my other perennials faired.

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. I will definitely pray for snow for you tonight, and I will stop grumbling about how cold it is here in VA. I certainly hope your plants get the show they would be so sad to lose such gorgeous perennials. genie

    1. Thanks Genie. I guess I should have mulched but usually we have plenty of snow.

  2. You have pretty flowers! I love how you group them. Thanks for sharing.

    Outdoor Wednesday

  3. Carlene,
    I hope you plants all survive...I know about harsh weather..we had the hottest summer ever recorded last summer and we lost plants due to heat and drought...even with a sprinkler system! Your photos are beautiful and you have such a beautiful selection of plants. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
    Miss Bloomers

    1. Thanks Miss bloomers! I am looking forward to a good year for flowers.

  4. Carlene, thank you very much for joining my party and showing my button. Your flowers are very pretty so I hope they survive your cold weather. I love those pink peonies. I seem to have bad luck growing them even though our winters are usually not too bad. They make it through the cold but don't do well in the southern heat. Good luck to your plants and try to stay warm, yourself! --------Shannon

  5. Hi Charlene, my first time here. You still have a lot of blooms even in that cold. And your photos are lovely.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. We have a pretty short growing season but the perennials do pretty well.

  6. Carlene, I live in Minnesota too and I'm afraid my plants are not going to survive this winter. Your flowers from last summer are beautiful. I hope they survive.

    1. Thanks for your nice comments. I hope we have a great growing season!

  7. I live in northern Indiana and we haven't had much snow here either. I'm thinking about putting some flannel sheets over a couple of my azalea and Mountain Laurel today. I have daffodils starting to come up! I know they'll be ok, the tips of the leaves just look ugly later from freezing. I have been known to place some sticks in the ground and attempt to put lightweight old blankets or flannel sheets over stuff that I'm worried about. Something's better than nothing.

  8. Beth don't the blankets blow off? We had quite a wind today.

  9. I sure hope they will all survive, I too love those lilys.

    1. It got even colder than I said in my post. Almost thirty below with windchill.

  10. Carlene, thanks very much for the nice comments you leave on my blog. It is encouraging to hear such comments from other blogger friends. Hope you have a great weekend. I hate to tell you this but it is supposed to be in the mid sixties here today. That is warmer than usual for our area. I hope it will be a good weather day where you are.---Shannon

    1. It is mild here again and sloppy.
      You are welcome Shannon, but I'm quite a novice blogger!


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