Thrifty Potting Bench

January 24, 2012
I have loved flower gardening for well over 20 years.  One of the first gardening items I wanted was a potting bench.  They were all so expensive at the gardening centers and in catalogs. 

I happened to be at our local Menards building center and spied a work bench kit, and it was only $40.  I remember how excited I was that I would have a potting bench. 

The lumber in in the kit was definitely seconds with lots of knots and such, but that just added to the charm of my rustic potting bench.  I stained the bench as soon as my husband put it together.  I still love it many, many years later.  Now it is a home to my watering can collection as well as a few potted plants. 

In 2010, one of my friends who happens to be a gifted artist painted a great sign "Geraniums for Sale" to hang over my potting bench.  It's still perfect!  Here are a few pictures over the years...

We just went through a real cold snap here, and I enjoyed looking at my gardening photos.  I hope you like them too!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. This project was done with such tender loving care and the price was right. You are so lucky to have a friend that prepared the sign which was placed over the potting bench. You appear to be a very organized person. Nice job.
    Joyce M

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! Can't wait to get those watering cans out again!

  3. Oh I love your bench. The two tubs on the sides fulled with flowers are stunning and your collection of pumps is super. Great area and so pretty. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  4. I'm on the hunt for a potting bench of some sort. I'll know it when I see it. Yours is lovely.

  5. It looks pretty peaceful, to me. And it makes me yearn for spring and warm weather. Or a hot chocolate.

  6. Wow, what a great deal you got on that potting table. I, too, have always wanted one, maybe this will be the year for me! It looks so pretty with the big pots of color close by.


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