Organized Clutter Is Two Months Old
February 05, 2012
Hello Blogland!
On February 6th, tomorrow, it will be exactly two months since I wrote my first post for "Organized Clutter". My two month blogiversary.
I have to admit up until a couple months ago, I had a pretty blog-free life. I had semi-followed a few news/opinion blogs from time to time in the past, but not any decorating/DIY blogs. Of course, I had stumbled across a few during google searches, but I continued to get most of my ideas and inspiration from magazines or magazine websites.
As far as sharing my ideas, I usually emailed pics to friends and family or uploaded pics to my facebook page. While some of my facebook friends left some nice comments, let's face it, not everyone has the same interests and hobbies. I was the only one sharing decorating/gardening photos on a regular basis. So I thought maybe a blog would be a better sharing platform, because home and garden blog followers are seeking ideas not having them forced on them.
So here I am two months later, with my own blog, and following close to 100 other blogs.
To my fellow bloggers, some of you get an AMAZING amount of projects done each week! It could be that:
1. You aren't working outside the home,
2. You live in a warmer climate than I, and can paint and spray paint all year long,
3. You have a helpful and/or supportive spouse,
4. You are younger than I and have lots of energy,
5. I am not as efficient as you all are, or
6. All of the above.
Anyway, I am impressed!
I am a very novice photographer, even with a camera upgrade that was advised in several blogs. I try not to use a flash, but break this rule sometimes, as my days off work, never seem to coincide with bright sunny, optimal lighting days. (There really haven't been too many bright sunny days in the last two months here) Anyway, I will keep working on this.
Thanks blogging friends that have visited or followed my blog, and thanks for all the ideas you have shared with me.
If anyone has any advise or constructive criticism on how I can improve my blog, please leave me a comment.
On February 6th, tomorrow, it will be exactly two months since I wrote my first post for "Organized Clutter". My two month blogiversary.
I have to admit up until a couple months ago, I had a pretty blog-free life. I had semi-followed a few news/opinion blogs from time to time in the past, but not any decorating/DIY blogs. Of course, I had stumbled across a few during google searches, but I continued to get most of my ideas and inspiration from magazines or magazine websites.
As far as sharing my ideas, I usually emailed pics to friends and family or uploaded pics to my facebook page. While some of my facebook friends left some nice comments, let's face it, not everyone has the same interests and hobbies. I was the only one sharing decorating/gardening photos on a regular basis. So I thought maybe a blog would be a better sharing platform, because home and garden blog followers are seeking ideas not having them forced on them.
So here I am two months later, with my own blog, and following close to 100 other blogs.
To my fellow bloggers, some of you get an AMAZING amount of projects done each week! It could be that:
1. You aren't working outside the home,
2. You live in a warmer climate than I, and can paint and spray paint all year long,
3. You have a helpful and/or supportive spouse,
4. You are younger than I and have lots of energy,
5. I am not as efficient as you all are, or
6. All of the above.
Anyway, I am impressed!
I am a very novice photographer, even with a camera upgrade that was advised in several blogs. I try not to use a flash, but break this rule sometimes, as my days off work, never seem to coincide with bright sunny, optimal lighting days. (There really haven't been too many bright sunny days in the last two months here) Anyway, I will keep working on this.
Thanks blogging friends that have visited or followed my blog, and thanks for all the ideas you have shared with me.
If anyone has any advise or constructive criticism on how I can improve my blog, please leave me a comment.

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Carlene, I think you're doing great. I started blogging late October and there are days I feel so behind! I am a stay at home mom now and wish I had another 8 hours in EVERY day! :) And also wish I had a warmer climate to do more painting! So you're not alone my friend!