Christmas Mantel 2012

November 25, 2012
I'm back in town after a perfectly delightful Thanksgiving in the Twin Cities with my kids, grandkids, and my daughter-in-law's family.

Do you remember the mantel sneak peek?

This is the far right of the mantel, with books, a vintage red plaid lunch box and thermos, and my version of a funnel Christmas tree. I used four funnels, a candlestick and a silver glitter star cut off of a Christmas pick.

Moving to the left is an old Coca-Cola crate filled with silver and red Christmas ornaments, miniature oil cans, pine cones, a miniature bleached bottle brush tree and a jar of metal buttons.

My zinc pots in the wire carrier (a recent $3 find) hold more bottle brush trees.

Next is a bike rim that has been spray painted red with vintage Christmas postcards, a photo of my grandtwins, and a vintage look Santa ornament all clothes pinned to the bike spokes.

Faux evergreen picks, pine cones, and jars with mica snow and flameless votives.

My button Christmas tree that I made earlier this month.

Here is the left side of the mantel, with a pencil tree, my sheet music bundles, vintage children's skis, stool with more bottle brush trees, a jar with silver ornaments and a vintage child's tin cup.

I purchased this cute jute crocheted star garland locally at the Tattered Angel.

Besides vintage and rustic, I was going for a tree theme throughout the mantel.



Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Carlene, I LOVE how you've used vintage items on your Christmas mantel!! That funnel tree is too cute and the red bicycle wheel is a Wowie on your mantel.
    Mary Alice

  2. Carlene,
    GASP!!!! Your Mantel is absolutely perfect!!!!
    Oh, every little detail made me smile and feel the warm ,cozy Christmas spirit..
    You inspired me to get up from lounging and get the Christmas decor up :)

    Have a Beautiful Sunday :)

  3. oh it looks wonderful, I love it all but the bicycle rim is just an amazing idea!!!!

  4. Carlene this is amazing! I love the vintage and rustic look. I agree that bicycle rim is perfect for cards and photos. Love this look!
    hugs, Linda

  5. The star of the show is definitely the bicycle tire rim with the photo of your absolutely adorable grandtwins!!! I love all the vintagey goodness you've got displayed and it looks even better up against the fresh white walls. So fun!

  6. I love all the details, but I especially adore the skis. Hope your holiday weekend was great!

  7. Carlene, This is just beautiful! I love it all, but especially the bike rim! So innovative! You have a wonderful sense of style!

  8. Stunning Carlene! I love every single detail!

  9. I love it, Carlene! It really looks great and is such a huge difference from last year. I smiled when I saw the Coca Cola crate. I tried to work mine up on the mantel too, but had no luck. I never thought to do with it what you did...very clever!

  10. I love it all. Love the things you used and how you arranged everything. Still in love with the funnel tree.

  11. hello Carlene ... love your mantel ... warm and welcome. The bicycle wheel is such a fresh idea ... I need one for my mantel.
    Audrey Z.
    Timeless Treasures

  12. What a gorgeous mantle!! You did an amazing job. Looks great!


  13. Love all your cute ideas on your mantel. Very creative! I really like the wheel!!

  14. Now I want a bicycle rim and a coke crate and some funnels! I love your mantle!!

  15. Oh I am so jealous of those vintage wooden skis! After seeing ideas for them at Bachmans Ideas House I'm on a quest! I may have to ask Santa for them! None to be found here!

  16. I love every little part, Carlene! YOu make me so wish I had a mantel!!!

  17. Oh my...I love everything about this!! Hope you don't mind if I "pin" away?? I guess I never realized we were both :)

  18. The bicycle wheel is brilliant. Love it all!

  19. Love that bicycle rim. Very creative!

  20. This is just a wonderful mantel arrangement. If I came to your home, I could see myself standing for a very long time, just looking at all of the unique and amazing vignettes. I knew this mantel was going to be special when I saw the funnel tree in your previous post, but then I find that it isn't the only great idea on your mantel. Love the bike wheel; love the way you elevated some items with the little stool; love the "Merry Christmas" words on the little trees in the tin pots; and I've got to make one of those button trees. Can you tell I love your mantel? laurie

  21. I love, love, love it. I love everything on it. But that coke tray on it's side had me right away. Sop rustically charming. Very creative. Did I say I love it?

  22. Love your mantle with all the unique vintage pieces. I especially love the baubles in the old crate, but it's all so gorgeous.

  23. Love all your unique pieces, especially the skis! Beautifully put together!

  24. This is so unique and a definite one of a kind! What a fun look! Love the red bike wheel- that's a real eye grabber! Your button picture is adorable too! Lots of eye candy here! Great job!

  25. I really love what you did with your mantle! The funnel tree has to be my favorite. But then the red wheel is an awful cute way to display your photos too!

  26. You are so creative, I don't know which of all elements is more interesting, I love the red wheel.

  27. This is probably the most creative and wonderful mantel I have seen!
    I simply adore all your great ideas and I so need to find a coke box!

  28. P.S.
    I am just 2 hours East of the Twin Cities in Wisconsin. WE go there often.
    Trying to figure out where you are?

  29. Hi Carlene! OH, my! This is just darling. I love how you've used things I would never have thought of to make such a precious mantel! Love the bike rim! You've really been thinking outside the box and I love it.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  30. Your mantel looks great! Love all the vintage pieces and how you arranged it.

  31. Carlene - it's fabulous! Love your "tree" mantel and that old soda crate and my favorite - that bike wheel wreath! You are all set for one very festive Christmas!

  32. Carlene, very creative. The spoke is very clever idea. Thanks for sharing your mantel vignette.

  33. Oh! Lovely mantel!
    I enjoyed all the details. I like your vintage crate...the wheel! such a creative idea.
    Besos, Silvina

  34. Perhaps this is the best mantle...EVER! I love everything - where do I start?? You win the prize. :)

    Blessings from Oklahoma City,
    Meredith at

  35. I love it. It's perfect. the lunch box is my favorite. I think I'm going to have to drag my red coke carton out of the basement and copy you.

  36. O, I do love yourmantel...everything really works together...or....YOU know how to make it all work together. :))
    I have simply GOT to have a bike wheel...I love that look.

  37. Carlene, this is just the most creative mantel display I've seen! You have such an incredible gift of displaying objects. The bicycle wheel and the funnel tree are genius!

  38. I'd say you accomplished the tree themed mantle quite nicely girl! You have such an eye for displaying stuff! I would have never thought to use a bicycle rim! Clever!

  39. Best mantle I've seen yet. You are the QUEEN!

  40. ok so that bike wheel idea has to be the most brilliant ever! Love the whole mantel but that is so clever! :)

  41. So much to take in! Love, love, love the plaid lunchbox!

  42. It's so fun, Carlene! I love your style. I have a question...did you do a post with a canning jar and a vintage looking battery operated candle back in the summer??

  43. I love all the vintage stuff ! The mantel looks great !

  44. Again Carlene, just gorgeous and so much vintage goodness!! Love the tree theme and the coke carrier. All beautiful!

  45. LOVE IT!!!
    Thanks for sharing.

  46. That's beautiful!! Looks like a display at a fancy gift shop! LOVE it all!!

  47. Carlene, I love your vintage Christmas decor. Very creative and soooo cute! Thanks for joining the Open House party.

  48. Carlene, I just came back to let you know your gorgeous mantle will be featured at this weeks Open House party.

  49. So fun - I think my favorite is the bike wheel!

  50. Hey cutie, just featured you (again) at Share Your Cup.

  51. Your mantel is super cute! I am hosting a Christmas mantel linky party right now and I would love if you stopped by to link your up!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  52. Your vintage mantel rocks! Love the wheel, the stool, love it all! Definitely a favorite of mine from the party!
    Thanks for linking up to the Christmas Mantel Linky Party at Embracing Change!

  53. I love the whole mantle, but that button tree is my favorite-love the vintage buttons!

  54. One of those "why didn't I think of that?" kind of things. Perfect for my
    condo I like it!


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