Snowshoe Shelf and Vintage Toys

December 08, 2012
I just finished up decorating in the den.

I have a Christmas bird theme on my snowshoe shelf.

I have decorated around my collectible vintage toys on the other side of the den's built-in shelves.

The vintage car has a bottle brush tree tied on top. I saw this around blogland and Pinterest this season. Santa is not old, just vintage look.

Some of my Chinese checkerboards are in an old toolbox. That's Vogue's Ginny by the Scrabble game.

These vintage dolls were my childhood dolls.

My vintage Tonka dump truck has snowballs made in an older post.

The top shelf has a wire basket with croquet balls and an old metal top. Another Chinese checker board is on the top shelf with marbles, a vintage metal crayon container and an old Coca Cola Christmas tin pail.

The globe, US map pillow (with 48 states) and the basket are all vintage.

I love my old toys!


Joining Barb for Better Late Than Never Christmas Party.

Funky Junk Interiors

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Of course, I am loving it all. Just love your taste. Love the old toys. I still have some of my old dolls. I just need some shelves.

  2. Love your bird theme!!!!! Very Cute. Marsha @ Every Little Birdie

  3. How cute are those felt birds!!? I love your old toys too! I played that very chinese checkers game with my Grandpa! Thanks for the memories!

  4. I love those little felt birds, too! It goes without saying that the vintage toys would be right at home in my house. You're lucky to have all those built-in shelves to decorate!

  5. I love the car with the tree tied on top!!!! Too cute!!! And the old metal crayon holder...never saw one before. And, yes, me those felted wool birds. Are those new this year? I think i might be able to figure out how to make then but will I? Probably not! LOL! You are such an awesome decorator you should hire out! Happy Holidays!

  6. Such cute shelves! I love the little birds. I want to make some felt birds but it doesn't seem like I will get to it this year! Love all you old toys....great decorations!
    hugs, Linda

  7. Love all your old toys! And wow, totally in love with your snowshoe shelf...the bird theme works so well with it, too. To me cardinals say Christmas.
    Saw you linking at Life on Lakeshore Drive.
    Debbie :)

  8. I love that bird theme. I saw a felt bird like that at Meijer's yesterday and I was contemplating buying him.

  9. Your bird theme is so cute! Love the shelf too. You have some old looking dolls very nice.
    Happy Holidays!
    Coming from Topiary Rose.

  10. Oh, I love seeing all of your awesome vignettes. I love the old toys and the birds are adorable. Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent!! :)


  11. Oh, I love seeing all of your awesome vignettes. I love the old toys and the birds are adorable. Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent!! :)


  12. Lovely! Love the red birds! Would love if you'd join our Countdown to Christmas link party! Hope to see you there! Have a great week! :)


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