Winter/Christmas Vignettes

December 08, 2012
Do you have houseplants?

I do, and I never know what quite to do with them at Christmas. They don't seem to work into my Christmas vignettes.

It seems like some of my houseplants end up spending Christmas in the den. It just so happens that my little book page tree is in a terra cotta pot too. So I added it to a basket with a cactus and a baby's tears.

Also in the basket are my white spray painted brass deer figurines, a metal star and a mossy vine.

Also in the den, I put a Charlie Brown tree in a stoneware jug,

This idea came from Far Above Rubies facebook page share of this photo:

The photo originated on a blog at

I didn't have a large glass jug but I had a stoneware jug.

Not the same type of tree either, but I had the snowflakes!

And organized some winter/Christmas clutter on the shelves.

These white shelves are built-ins in my den. Instead of putting everything away, I decorated around my collectibles.

The Chicken Chick

Joining Barb at the Better Late Than Never Christmas Party.
Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. No houseplants here. Well, I do have some upstairs in my studio window where the cats can't get to them. You've incorporated yours well, and I love the Charlie Brown tree in the stoneware jug!

  2. Just one houseplant and it sits with some decorations! I like how you combined yours with your page tree! Love to just decorate around my collectibles...makes sense to me!

    hugs, Linda

  3. Those are so cute! I always end up sticking my house plants in a corner. Must rethink!

  4. Great idea and your plants look especially the deer are near the woods! The green is a nice contrast.
    Where did you get your Charlie Brown tree? Not out of the neighbor's yard I hope! LOL! It looks "real" and really nice!

  5. Oh I decorate my house plants...I put sparkly floral picks in the ones that won't hold ornaments!! Not that I have done any of that this year.

  6. I love this copy cat Carlene. Anita is a good one to copy, I love her and her style too. Thanks for joining me today. And thank you for the ever so sweet compliment you gave me gave me a chuckle.

  7. I spent a lot of time today wondering whether to move a huge Peace Lily plant or change it out with something else. I love it but like your problem, it doesn't seem to work right now where it is. :) I love your Charlie Brown tree. It fits right in with the Nordic look too. xo

  8. love your copy cat! you did a great job :)

  9. I came back to look at your copycat! Love the Charlie Brown tree in a crock!

    hugs, Linda

  10. You came up with a great solution for your house plants. Love your paper tree in the vignette.
    Mary Alice

  11. Ummm, I can't seem to keep houseplants alive. I can grow just about anything else outside.

    Love how you decorated around your plant. It looks so nice and I adore the white painted deer.

  12. Plants hate my house - not enough light! but if I ever do have any I will certainly use them in my decorating. Love the shelves of collectibles, the white reindeer, the book page tree, and and and just everything!

  13. ahhh, Carlene, everything looks perfect...and I am so in love with the Charlie Brown did GOOD.

  14. Loving your style! Greetings from the land of the north: Norway, Lisbeth

  15. I love houseplants, but only have 2 at the moment. You did a great job of using them in your holiday decor. I love your paper tree! So pretty. Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent!! Hope you are having a wonderful week.


  16. Carlene- love your little "charlie Brown tree" in your jug. I am with you on the houseplants during the holidays. I found that this year I added some picks with balls and color to festive up the plants. Thanks for joining the better late than never party. Happy holidays to you!

  17. I love the look of the Charlie Brown tree in a jug with the snowflakes!

  18. I love your Charlie Brown tree! The crock is perfect for it.
    I have over 100 houseplants and they are all over the house and outbuilding/games room/workshop. I have to keep them in my decor since I really don't have anywhere else to put them! It works though.
    Saw you featured at Knick of Time
    Debbie :)

  19. I love your little paper tree! Do you have a tutorial for that on the blog?


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