In Search of More Junk

May 21, 2013
I am disappointed with our crappy Minnesota spring and long winter, but I have nothing to complain about when I think of the weather disaster in Oklahoma yesterday.  I pray for the families that lost loved ones, their livelihoods, and homes.

We have had rain now for about 5 days in a row.  I haven't planted any more flowers. I am hoping to hit it hard this weekend when sunshine and warmth are forecasted for Memorial Day weekend.

I did hit a few rummage sales, consignment shops and antique shops and found some fun buys.

A juicer on a stand for $4.  I have seen these planted with annuals on pinterest and in blogland.

This raisin crate was an a antique shop purchase at $16.  I love the patina and the "Eat Raisins" lettering.

A baggie of old marbles for $3 and a Wm P. Hartley grease jar also for $3 at the consignment shop.  I think the marbles are vintage.

A bag of vintage Bocce balls for $16 at the antique shop.

Yet another masher in walnut with a painted handle.  I love these things.  $10.50.

And, a vintage Wardette box camera for $9.  It has an art deco look to it.

I did buy a few more things too, but I will be showing them when I am done re-purposing or cleaning them up!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. You found some awesome things! Happy planting, Jean

  2. That juicer great planter. Your new camera looks similar to my new one that I paid $15 for, hah.

  3. I'm so tired of the rain too! At least I had my garage sale on a rain free day!
    I bought some flowers for some planters this weekend. I hope to finish up this weekend! Only in MN!

  4. I'll be finishing up my planting this weekend. I really like the juicer Carlene and can't wait to see what you do with it! And that raisin box? LOVE!!

  5. Love love love the raisin crate and the camera.. It's raining here too.. My grass is growing like wildfire because we are getting so much rain...

  6. Great finds, but love the "Eat Raisins" crate the best.

  7. The crate is adorable and reminds me that I love raisins, but always forget to pick any up at the store. I am so behind in my flowers also and I haven't gotten my porches put together yet. Can't believe Memorial Day is coming up so fast.

  8. Sorry about the weather. That's one thing we can never complain about in California. Wow, you got some great stuff. Love the masher and the crate!

  9. Great finds Carlene. Hope your weather improves soon. We've been getting a lot of rain also.

  10. Love the crate. I got a cool crate at the farm sale but I have et to decide wheer to put it.

  11. Lots of fun finds Carlene! The "eat raisins" crate is my favorite. I could also see a few Martians in an out of this world fairy garden planted in your juicer. Fun for the kids! I've got to get going on a fairy garden myself, but the weather has me in my jammies and it's only 6:20! Let's hope for some sun this weekend.

  12. If we went shopping together, they would have to have 2 of everything! I LOVE what you love! The camera is just the cutest and the raisin crate is great! Sweet hugs!

  13. Such fabulous rarities. Amazing what people have and get rid of in different places. Love what you found.

  14. Great finds, Carlene. I know you'll have that strainer overflowing with flowers soon.
    Mary Alice

  15. Carlene, once again you have found some really fun stuff! I'm excited because I actually have one of those things you call a juicer. A friend gave one to me and she called it a "Berry Sieve" for smashing berries into jam. Anyway..I want to know what to do with it!!

  16. Love that Raisin crate....I sure am missing the antique finds from back home. New York is just overflowing with finds all over the place. I am so-o-o disappointed in the offerings here in NC. Enjoy your finds!

  17. Love all your finds, and that raisin crate is beautiful and I love the patina too. That strainer will look beautiful filled with flowers.


  18. Great finds! That crate is lovely. It's not easy to find them here, very few and very expensive.
    Your post helped me to learn what raisins are, I have just searched it in Google images...

  19. Some good finds, and I can't wait to see how you use all of them. laurie

  20. Great finds Carlene. Love the eat raisins box! Fun old camera too. I have a few that I want to display on a shelf in the craft room. Can't wait to see your other finds. Your mashers are cool. Passed one up in St. George. Now wishing I hadn't.

  21. Great bunchof goodies! Hope hyour weather is nice this weekend! Hugs, Leena

  22. What you are calling a juicer on stand looks like a sieve for making applesauce. Looks like the one my dear MIL used and I used to help her make bushels of homemade applesauce to put in the freezer every Fall. There' a wooden dowel(I don't know if that is proper name for it)that you use with this sieve to push the applesauce through the sieve. Takes a lot of sugar for applesauce.


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