Decorating a Covered Patio with Vintage Collections

June 05, 2013
I love decorating with collectibles, and the outdoors is no exception.  

First croquet balls in a wire basket and bocce balls in a glass jar.  Also a vintage Minnesota license plate from 1956.

A vintage dartboard that was made in England, vintage marbles and a laundry stomper.

Milk can.

Milk can with vintage farm tools.

Vintage bean pots and a stoneware pitcher.

My raisin box with vintage garden hand tools.

This is the side door to the garage.  

These are the "no sew" cushions I covered with burlap and appliqued with French roosters, here.  The 20 gallon Redwing crock has been made into a table.  My indoor/outdoor area rug is from Sphinx.  A vintage buggy wheel is behind the crock.  

This is the bottom of the crock table top.  The table was purchased as an unfinished piece at Menard's.  Four wedges were cut and screwed on the bottom to hold the table top securely in place.  We also put a knob on top so the kids could store outdoor toys in the crock.  It was a table/cover!

This is the driveway entrance to our home.  The patio is protected by the roof overhang, and we have a ceiling fan above the chairs.

This is my favorite summer spot for relaxing and reading.

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Way cute! You really do have the knack! My new house is blue, too! So, this post does inspire me! Thank you for sharing your great ideas! LOVE your blog!

  2. You really have to come down here and decorate my porch for me. Love that huge crock!!! And the bean pots and such are a great idea. Thanks for the porch tour.

  3. Une belle manière de mettre de la vie, de la couleur et de ne pas perdre la boule !
    Jolie publication.
    gros bisous

  4. You find the neatest stuff. Love the croquet and bocce balls and how you've displayed them, and that dart board is great too. I'd want to sit out here all summer too. So many delightful vignettes to see, not to mention the sunshine. laurie

  5. I love the crock as a table and the bean pots. I have a large crock that is big enough for a table-now you have me thinking my friend....

  6. I love it, Carlene! And the croquet and bocce balls are things of beauty to me!

  7. Those are neat Carlene. I recently bought some new balls that kind of look like yours. I'd rather have some old ones though.

  8. I love the fun summer game pieces as display items! I told our girls I wanted a vintage croquet set a few years ago and they bought me a new set. hehe I guess they didn't hear the vintage part.

    Love your porch!

  9. Your patio looks great & is so much fun! It definitely makes you wonder about the fun that awaits inside the house too.

  10. Oh my hubby was just telling me the other day...we need to add a ceiling fan on our porch. I'm not to sure about his PORCH/FAN hanging skills these don't know if that will happen. But I DO LOVE sitting on my covered porch.
    Your's is decorated very comfy looking. I like it!

  11. Carlene,
    So adorable. You have such a good eye for decorating these cute vignettes.

  12. You always find the best stuff - and display it so beautifully!

  13. I so love the vintage milk can! I am new from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and hopefully follow me back. Nicole

  14. I wish I had your eye for putting stuff together! I also wish I had a covered patio!! REading andn relaxing are great hobbies!!


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