Outdoor This & That 12: Bike Wheel & Berry Masher

June 06, 2013
Last summer I started the "Outdoor This and That" blog series.  Basically it is a group of garden ideas and garden updates that I group into a weekly post or twice weekly post.

Remember the vintage toaster planted with hens and chicks?  It was moved to the deck next to the kitchen fairy garden.  The berry masher I found thrifting was planted with lantana and Goldilocks creeping jenny.  (I saw this combo in Barb Rosen's wheelbarrow, and loved it.)

Next are a couple photos of a cushion spurge in full bloom in my front flower border.  It is a relative of the poinsettia.

I am using my bike wheel of last year's Christmas mantel fame for plant tags/labels.  They are alphabetized by letter and pinned on with clothespins.

Here is the wheel tucked into a foundation planting of Lady's Mantle with a sign and red funnel newly planted with white geraniums.

Have a great day today, and enjoy the outdoors!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Such creative ideas. I have never seen a toaster where the toast comes out the bottom...very unique!

  2. How fun, I love the bike wheel, such a clever idea. Hugs, Marty

  3. Love your creative ideas. Everything looks great!

  4. I love the bicycle wheel idea so much I pinned it. Sure beats my plastic sandwich bag stuffed full of tags.

  5. I love all you non-conventional ideas. Your plants are beautiful too.

  6. Hi Carlene. It's always so enjoyable to see your garden delights. That cushion spurge is really beautiful..Happy Thursday..Judy

  7. You are so clever! You are a master at this kind of thing.

  8. Your plants looks great and I like the bike wheel to organize your plant tags. Great idea.

  9. Love the geraniums in the funnel. I have two large funnels, maybe I should plant something in them.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  10. It all looks great to me! I'm looking at my berry sieve right now and thinking I could finally use it for something..yay! Still totally jealous of your red wheel and still looking for one! Love this post Carlene and guess what our next theme series is at the Cafe? Garden stuff! I'm guessing you'll have a thing or two to link up!!

  11. Loving that masher with the creeping jenny, which is a favorite with me. Everything looks beautiful!


  12. I love your bicycle wheel that you can use for every season!


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