Vintage Cameras and Books

June 13, 2013
Seems like the small camera collection that I started last summer eventually migrates to a stack of books...

Like these Reader's Digest condensed books from the 1950's.

Or on top of these vintage FW Dixon "Hardy Boys" mysteries.

Or next to a stack of "Good Books".

 Even with some Big Little Books.

My newest camera, a $3 Fisher Price 1967 toy camera.

Vintage cameras and books!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Your camera collection is wonderful. Love the new one and arranging them with books is such a great idea. Hugs, Marty

  2. I bought that same camera for our oldest granddaughter's room. Love it!

  3. Your new toy camera is adorable! They all look great paired with the books.

  4. Carlene, that Fisher Price camera is adorable! Your collection looks great displayed with books. laurie

  5. Love the Fischer Price camera! Great score! and of course the Big Little Books were always a favorite. Such a great collection.

  6. What a blast form the past. That little play camera brings back so many memories! What a fun post!

  7. great book and camera father used to get those Readers Digest books...and you have the HArdy Boys and I have Nancy Drew books!

  8. Neat camera collection! The childrens' vignettes are darling.

  9. I love your displays. I love cameras. I used to have mine displayed but right now I just don't have room to do that. I love the child's camera! I just found your blog through Savvy Southern Style and I am your newest follower on bloglovin. Would love for you to stop by my blog sometime.
    Thanks, Patty


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