An Early Fall Mantel & Using a Pinterest Tip

August 31, 2013

I found this tip on Pinterest on using coconut oil to refinish furniture.

So I bought a jar of cheap Coconut Oil,

And decided to try it on some of my vintage wooden kitchen utensils.  They looked very dry.

I rubbed some coconut oil on with a paper towel to the bottom of this masher.  What a difference!  The coconut oil brings out the gorgeous grain and wood tone.  I let them dry overnight, or soak in overnight, and they are not greasy or smelly.

I like it.

 I put the utensils upside down inside a crock, kind of like a "utensil" bouquet.  The wood color is so rich, and matches well with this little bench.  

The theme of my early fall mantel is grapes and pears with crocks.  The dark wood sets off the neutral tone of the crocks and the fall harvest print.

Here is the vintage ceramic canister set  I purchased recently for $6, showcased in a wood crate.

A vintage framed is tucked behind the harvest print.

My early fall mantel...

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. just so perfect for Fall, love the wonderful canister set!!

  2. Looks really good! Great items you grouped together! Love the use of the crate, and the bouquet of kitchen utensils!

  3. Great idea, I have some vintage kitchen tools that could use some sprucing up as well.

  4. Wow the coconut oil really makes the wood shine and brings back the original color. Where did you purchase it at?

  5. Hi Carlene: That seems to work so well. It makes the wood look nourished again. Is it greasy and does it smell. My daughter and her friends used to use cocanut oil sun tan lotion and it got so that I couldn't stand the smell. Your mantle looks so pretty. I love the new cannister set..Happy Weekend..Judy

  6. It looks lovely for fall, but since we just got our summer weather on my part of the coast, I am not ready for fall. By the time it has arrived, everyone will have shown me great ideas.

  7. Hi Crlene, so happy you're back!
    I love how pretty your lovelies look grouped together in such lovely way. Very inspirational, I adore Fall decor! Big hugs,

  8. Oh, I have got to try that. I have so many wooden things that could use a pop!!

  9. Will give this a try. I have a knife box that needs refreshing. '-)

  10. Love the utensil bouquet & the tip about the coconut oil is awesome. I will have to give that a try!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  11. So wonderful. The coconut oil really made them pretty. I love your canisters too. Great vignette. Have a great holiday week end.

  12. Oh so pretty! I really like the pear theme, too. I love coconut oil. I eat it and use it as a moisturizer.

  13. It's lovely! I have never heard of that tip! Thanks for sharing it!

  14. Great tip. Who would have thought?

  15. Wow, neat tip, I love it. The wood looks beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  16. Thanks for sharing the coconut oil tip.....I have some vintage wooden items that can sure benefit from a good dose of that!

    Love all your pretties grouped together!


  17. Wow Carlene what a huge difference. The look so reach and I think it brings out their beauty more!!


  18. Another thing you can do after applying the coconut oil is put the wood in a warm oven. The warmth will open up the grains & allow the oil to penetrate more fully. Love me some coconut oil!

  19. Can u add this to stain wooden utensils you use in the kitchen rather then only decor items? I have mine displayed on my counter in kitchen in a large crock but use them. I can say the look of them darker is very appealing.


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