1972 Partridge Family Comic Books

October 27, 2013
Are you a baby boomer?  If you are, chances are you remember the Partridge Family and David Cassidy.

My Aunt bought some old comics at a rummage sale recently, and three of them were Partridge Family.  This issue from Charlton Comics is dated January 1972, and the price was 20 cents.  (I was in tenth grade in 1972.)  I know I watched the show faithfully but I don't think I had any Partridge Family comics.

If you haven't looked at a vintage comic book lately you may be surprised by the advertisements inside a comic.  
On the inside cover, Colonial Studios, is selling thoroughbred paintings for your home or office.  I would not have been interested, but my sister might have.

And who wouldn't shell out a whole buck for a concert tour book with more than 50 photos of David Cassidy?

And for another buck, I could have had Susan Dey's advice on boys, beauty and popularity. Heaven knows that would have been helpful!

Just 75 cents for the Official Tiger Beat Partridge Issue Number 2.

Here's the comic book characters from the Partridge Family.  Wasn't Danny annoying?

For just another dollar you can receive Susan Dey's Private Journal.

Of course there are posters available with David and his amazing shag haircut.

Also rings on the inside back cover.  Military men's credit is good for genuine diamonds wedding rings. (Just what was the average age of a comic book reader?)

Yep, David wants YOU in his fan club!  I don't think I ever joined any fan clubs.  Did you?

Here is the February 1972 issue with Romance for Keith.

This issue has David Cassidy LUV stickers for what else a buck! The 70's were the LUV years.

More pics of David...

And this is the March 1972 issue of the Partridge Family comics. Remember the old school bus that the family toured in?  

I love nostalgia.  The Partridge Family is a fun memory from my youth!

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Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Loved the Partridge Family!!!!! Thanks bunches for sharing...made me smile! Jane

  2. Swoon! I could hardly wait to get home from school to watch the Partridge Family. I wanted to BE Susan Dey. Didn't we all? Thanks for a blast from the past, Carlene!

  3. You had me as soon as I saw the title - loved David and the whole family. I can't remember ever having a comic but I had all the records which I still have, trading cards, and I had to buy all the magazines, I loved 16 and Tiger Beat! Thanks for the memories!

  4. What a flash back! Susan Dey was all the girls wanna be!

  5. Great...now I have the Partridge Family show theme song stuck in my head!! How fun...we LOVED David Cassidy in our house! C'mon get happy!

  6. I was sitting in front of the TV when I was little watching that . I LOVED this ..Thanks for bringing back the good ol days.. HUGS

  7. I liked David Cassidy, but Shawn Cassidy, his younger brother was popular when I was a teen. Whatever happened to him?
    Susan Dey still looks beautiful. I saw her recently on TV.

  8. I had such a crush on David and Shaun Cassidy! What a blast from the past!

  9. Oh my gosh that takes me back. Loved me some Partridge Family! :)

  10. Great comic books and in very good condition ... what a treasure. Some vintage comics are very valuable.
    Enjoy bringing back memories.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  11. What a blast from the past! David Cassidy and Susan Dey! I remember my sister had a big poster of David hanging on her wall! And I think I remember being in the Monkees fan club...

  12. That is so awesome! I loved the Partridge Family. I'm a baby boomer - was born in '62.

  13. The Partridge Family show came out when I was in the sixth grade and I had a HUGE crush on David Cassidy! I saved up my 25 cents per week allowance and ordered those LUV stickers! I even still have their first record album! I would LOVE to find one of these comic books. Thank you so much for sharing!


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