Black Friday Shopping 1964

November 28, 2013
I looked on the internet to see when the term "Black Friday" originated, it has some history dating back to 1869, but was really not coined until the 1960's for the day after Thanksgiving shopping.  

I have a "Picture Magazine" insert to the Minneapolis Tribune from November 22, 1964, and I thought it would be fun to look at the advertising.  

Christmas Decor from Dayton's to "Set Christmas Aglow".

More candles from Donaldson's.

Home accessories sale at Dayton's.

I remember these wide eyed pics from the 1960's.

Hollywood Vasserette slips at Dayton's.

Munsingwear sweaters for the guys at Dayton's $9.95 to $12.95.

Polka dot nightie at Dayton's by Radcliffe. $22.98 for the set.

Two piece holiday suit just $7.98 at Donaldson's.

And finally poppin' juicy good Schweigert bologna cut and served with the good silver!

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

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  1. Nothing like bologna served with the good silver!! Happy Thanksgiving Carlene!! :)

  2. Bonsoir,

    Une très jolie publication...
    Gros bisous à vous.

  3. Oh wow! I remember the Moppet paintings/ prints too.
    The Schweigert Bologna rings a bell too...especially, the ad!
    This is so interesting. Thanks for showing it, I love looking at old ads and news!

  4. I loved this. It was so fun. I am however not a fan of decor in the 60s how about you? You should link this up to the hop. It was fun to see and I showed my hubby the man pleasing sweaters.

  5. How fun to look back at Christmas trends in the 60's!! It brings back to my childhood memories of Christmas past.


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