Another Upcycled Thrift Shop Valentine's Day Frame

January 19, 2014

This up-cycle started with this reddish colored barn wood frame country sign that I purchased thrifting for $3.  The sign is painted on a thin piece of board.

I'm in the mood for "LOVE" today! I laid some junk out on the frame and sign board.   

The junk includes:  a butter knife, pickle fork, rusty small plate, a curling iron, a door pull, an opener, a screw of some sort and not sure about the 3 hole piece.

I got some inspiration from Becky at Beyond the Picket Fence, and this random junk "Love" sign.

Then I painted the sign board light ivory.  The door pull stood too high on the board so two holes were drilled to bring it down flush.  The rest of the pieces were glued on the frame and/or sign board with E6000.

The frame already had a saw tooth hanger on the back.

Here is my junky letter sign on the kitchen wall,

And, here it is as a part of my vignette!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Carlene,
    I love this. I have seen these and just love them. Yours is super cute and looks perfect where you put it. Great job.

  2. This looks so great, Carlene...wonderful idea!

  3. Love your new "Love" looks great in your kitchen!!

  4. Oh that is so cool! You had some serious vision there and I love it!

  5. Very cool, Carlene! I'm in the middle of making one too. LOV are done, I just couldn't decide on how to construct the E yet.
    Have a great week!

  6. Great ides for the sign,Carlene, looks really good.

  7. Adorable! I "love" it. So neat to how you used the vintage pieces to spell with.

    Have a blessed Monday!

  8. So creative Carlene ... a cute way to say LOVE.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  9. Very clever! Love the "love" sign.

  10. Just plain cute!!! You and your imagination!! You rock!!

  11. Wow, I didn't expect the outcome. It is really cool what you did!

  12. "Love" this idea!! I am going to see what I can do with my left over/damaged jewelry. :-)


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