Thrift Shop Country Primitive Framed Heart Makeover

January 19, 2014
Would you pick this up at your local thrift shop for $3?

I did!  I removed the wood heart and got rid of the fabric star that was hot glued onto the heart.  The gold colored wooden frame has a piece of screen stapled onto the back.

I painted the heart with a coat of American Accents colonial red.

My plan was to create a zinc look or galvanized finish and give the heart frame a more industrial/junky look instead of primitive country.  Here, I base coated the frame with a dark gray acrylic paint.

I guess I missed taking a photo of the next step.  I put a very watery coat of acrylic platinum paint on next.  Watering down the paint allowed the dark gray to show through.  Then I sprinkled on some cinnamon.  Then sprayed the frame with a sealer to help adhere and seal in the cinnamon.

My last paint step was a watery coat of light ivory acrylic paint applied with a sponge brush.

I like how my frame turned out.

I wrapped some picture hanging wire around the heart, and glued on an old key.  Then I nailed the heart back onto the frame.

Another cheap and easy thrift shop makeover for Valentine's Day!

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Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. I love it ~ the framed heart came out wonderful ~!

  2. Great makeover, really updated it! Love the tutorial, too!

  3. Wow! The frame really looks like metal now! Great makeover, Carlene!

  4. I love I'm really loving your heart makeover!! Thanks for sharing how you did the looks like real metal!!

  5. Please explain the use of cinnamon added to the paint process. I think it is for texture but I don't know about this process. Thank you. I asked this question a few minutes ago but not sure I posted it right.

    1. The cinnamon adds both the rusty color and texture of rust. See more about it here.

  6. Pat from Through The Back DoorJanuary 27, 2014 at 9:53 PM

    Love the heart makeover. I am always finding things and redoing them too.
    I am going to have to try the process you did on the frame. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love your re-vamped heart and that faux zinc finish is very realistic, love it!!

  8. Awesome! I have done that too, take it apart and re-do it...


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