Some Junk Purchases and a Giveaway Winner

April 21, 2014
 I found this demilune three legged table at a senior center rummage sale.  

 Not sure if it is an antique or not, but still a great find for $2.  I will paint it with chalk paint.

 A great enamelware kettle with wood handle and lid.  $16 at an antique shop.

 A vintage lantern without the glass insert.  I have more lanterns without glass.  I use them outdoors, and usually pay about $3 each. I paid $6 for this one just because it was red and chippy!

Two vintage cutting boards.  $9 each.  The seller at the antique shop added the black numbers after seeing it done on Pinterest.  I have a budding cutting board collection!

I do love colanders too.  I paid $8 for this graniteware one and $6.50 for little wire basket.

 $8 for a metal tool box.  

This old metal kettle with a wood handle would be great as a flower pot or work as a basket too. $6.

Super rusty vintage bar soap holder. $6. Do you have any repurpose ideas for this?

A red gas can.  $8.  I like these in the garden.  I have a blue one already.

These vintage geranium canisters are so fun. I know just where to put them.  I think they were $6 for the pair.

Added 4/22***I forgot to show you my $4 picnic basket.

Many of the these items will be used for junk garden and other outdoor decorating!

AND the winner of my vintage tablecloth pillow giveaway is RaggyRoo!  Please email me with your mailing address!  Thanks to all who entered!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Good finds. That kettle with the handle screams for a fairy garden.

  2. You make junk look great. You have given me many great ideas Thank you

  3. WOW - you found some great treasures. Looking forward to seeing some of them in the garden.

  4. I would use the old soap dish like a mini shelf....wouldn't a bird's nest look adorable on it?

  5. Great finds. I have a 3 legged table almost exactly like yours that I re-did last year. I'm into chopping blocks now too and just refinished one and then used a wood burner to write on it. Very cool.

  6. Carlene,
    What great treasures you found. I love the bucket for planting and the red gas can is awesome. Love the $2 three legged table. That was a great score. Have fun with chalk painting that little beauty. It will look fantastic. Have a great start to the week.

  7. Great finds! Don't you just love those old canisters.♥

  8. Great finds!! Love the cutting boards.

  9. You always find the most interesting stuff and then you find the best ways to use it!! Looking forward to seeing what you do with some of this!

  10. Love your great finds, I love wire and metal anything! Great prices too.

    Lucky window, very lovely pillow.

  11. You found some wonderful things! My favorite would have to be the red lantern! Great color! :)

  12. I just found your blog via Southern Hospitality's link party, and boy am I glad I did! You're a girl after my own heart with all these amazing treasure finds! My favorites are the gas can and colanders! Perfect accessories for the garden! As for the vintage soap holder-it would look amazing attached to my garden shed, holding some rusty tools or little pots of petunia's! I'll be searching for one now, the next time I go treasure hunting! Thanks for sharing all your gems and ideas! Great Post!

  13. Carlene, I'm playing catch up. Been so busy that I have not had much visiting time. Love all of your treasures! I have a granite colander like that one. Love the red lantern and I collect gas cans too. My daughter found one that said Olson on it for us a couple years ago. It's red with yellow lettering. I could see the soap dish (lined with thin tin on the outside maybe) and then used as a bird feeder. Just cute no matter what you use it for!


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