Two Easy Flower Pot Hangers For The Junk Garden

July 13, 2014
Do you know what this is?  If you are a northern girl like me chances are you know it is an ice fishing hole skimmer.  This is an older one as the newer ones have a plastic circle with holes.  I purchased this one for $2 at the thrift shop.

I bent the skimmer so it was flatter and could hold a flower pot.  But still it would be questionable if a strong wind could knock the pot off, so I put a screw up through a hole in the skimmer.

Then I put a washer and a nut on the screw.  I used a washer that was slightly smaller than the hole so water could drain but the pot would still be fastened on pretty tightly.

Ice Fishing Dipper Flower Pot Holder
I added dirt and a red petunia that I just purchased on clearance for $1, and hung it on my picket fence.

Ice Fishing Dipper Flower Pot Holder
Now that was easy!

Rusty Industrial Spring Flower Pot Holder
And, hanger number two is even easier!  Just hang a rusty old spring from a hook and a pail of flowers from the spring.

Rusty Industrial Spring Flower Pot Holder

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Fun! The antique place I worked for got a bunch of ice fishing skimmers from a picker from MN. They called them soup ladles. I corrected them ;) and let them know what they are really used for. I love it as a plant holder.

  2. I love this idea, Carlene, and the spring, too! You have the best garden ideas!

  3. Oh my gosh Carlene I love this. How creative and so fun and adds so much whimsy to your garden. Love your vintage garden.

  4. Wow, I am really liking both ideas you cam up with...Great job!

  5. Love the skimmer and the fun to have them hold flowers in your beautiful garden!!

  6. Thank you for sharing. I love those ideas. Now I have to go out and find them. :)

  7. Love the ladle/fishing skimmer repurpose. That one is AWESOME! Nice job.


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