An Up-cycled Thrift Shop Shelf

October 12, 2014
This is a thrift shop shelf that I purchased for $2 recently.

 First I painted a base coat of black paint.

Next I brushed on two coats of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Cream.

After distressing the shelf with sandpaper, I tore three pages out of a vintage dictionary, and decoupaged them on the page underside only to the top of the shelf.  I ripped the pages around all four edges.  Then I coated the shelf with Polycrylic.  I liked the way it darkened the dictionary pages and the paint too.  It gave it some age.  This was the first time I used ASCP in cream, and the first time I used poly instead of wax.  

I found these miniature knobs on sale at Jo Ann Fabrics last month for 40% off.  I added two of them to the bottom points of the shelf.  The screws that came with the set were too short so I had to find screws long enough to go through the wood.

 This is the up-cycled shelf from the top,

And here it is from the side with the knobs on the bottom points.

 I think I will be hanging this shelf in my foyer after it is painted next month!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Nice shelf! I'm looking for a shelf to use as a 'faux' mantel!

  2. Carlene - what a darling transformation! Great job!


  3. I love how your shelf turned out! It is adorable.


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