Christmas in the Foyer

December 20, 2014
One of the areas that I recently had re-painted was my foyer.  This wall was painted a chocolate brown, and the other foyer and hallway walls were painted in turquoise.  It was just too dark for me, so I have brightened up this area a lot with Sherwin Williams in Dover White.

Remember my dresser mirror frame shelf?  I made it here.  

I hung an old weathered gray shutter to display photos of my kids and grandkids.  

And also the granddog.

The piece above the shutter was painted with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Cream.  It was trim panel from an antique piece of furniture.

I added a piece of jute tied onto a couple of screws to display photos of my daughters.  I also painted the frames on the vintage flower prints with ASCP in French Linen.  I am loving the new brighter and neutral display in my foyer.

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Grand-dog LOL It looks beautiful! :)

  2. Beautiful! I love your children's pics along with the pug's. I had a pug for almost 13 years and we loved him so...what a great race of dogs they are!
    Have a wonderful C'mas.

  3. You just have that sweet junkin' touch!

  4. It looks so lovely and fresh. Such a beautiful way to display precious photos.

  5. Perfect! Love all your vintage touches and of course the sweet photos. Thanks for sharing at VIParty! Merry Christmas to you and your family.


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