Repurposed Farmhouse Kitchen Bookends

March 03, 2015
My project today begins with these thrift shop Home/Visitor score tally chalkboard shelves.  When I first saw them, I thought they were bookends.

But when I saw the hanging hooks on the backs, I thought maybe they were trophy holders.  They were marked $4 for the two, and made in China of light toned wood.

I gave them both two coats of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in "Cream".  

Since I distressed them shortly after the paint was dry, I was able to distress them with a wet terry rag.  I waxed them with ASCP clear wax only.

Then I found two vintage kitchen ware pieces already in my stash.  The first piece was a tin measuring cup.

A hole was drilled through the bottom and the cup was screwed to the bottom of the "bookend".

For this side, I used an aluminum grease canister.

I also attached the canister with a screw to the bottom of the other "bookend".

They are perfect bookends for old cookbooks!

A super easy project here today from thrift shop finds, and vintage kitchenware!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. This is such a cute project! I love the idea of being able to personalize your bookends!

  2. I love these. Great project!!

  3. That was such a great idea to add the tins onto them to hold utensils! I've gotta remember that idea! Thanks for sharing it at the VIP, Carlene!

  4. Very cute idea - I like that you attached the tins.

  5. Perfection again! Waaaaaay cute and clever!

  6. Looks your creativity with your found items!!

  7. You are so very clever! These are so cute! They make awesome bookends. Love them! They look so pretty there with the recipe books. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Not only are these adorable Carlene, I love that they are useful too! Thanks for linking up to The Vintage Inspiration Party.

  9. You are so clever with re-purposing the vintage wooden pieces. Love how you are using these. I also love the round cutting board with the 2. How big is it? I want one of the big round French cutting boards so bad. Guess I will have to make one.

  10. Did you ever figure out what they were really used for?

  11. Oops! Never mind...I figured it out and you told us! I must need new glasses today!

  12. I love these! What a great idea!

  13. Love this! I wish that I had the eye you have when you find thrifty or goodwill items. You come up with the cleverest ideas that are so simple and cute!

  14. These are awesome! This morning I hit up Pinterest for some homemade bookend ideas for a bunch of cookbooks I have, and after scrolling through so many expensive bookends for sale, I found your post! This has inspired me to make my own. Thanks for sharing your idea and process. :-)


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