Thrift Shop Breadbox Makeover

March 01, 2015

A thrift shop, tired, old, dirty, wooden breadbox, with its glass missing, gets a much needed makeover on my blog today.  

After scrubbing the breadbox thoroughly inside and out, I painted the inside of the breadbox to freshen it up with a light gray satin Pittsburgh Paint that I had on hand.

Next I gave the old breadbox two coats of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in "Pure White".  At this point I still didn't realize that I had the breadbox upside down.  This was the way they had the breadbox sitting on the shelf at the thrift shop.

I applied a coat of clear wax and then distressed the piece with sandpaper.  This cuts down on the chalk dust from sanding.  (You can also wet distress and seal with water based polyurethane).  The wooden flower applique was ordered online from D Lawless Hardware.  I painted it with "Pure White" as well, and distressed it a bit.

I also added a piece of my 1/2" chicken wire to the cover hole with a staple gun.

Another coat of ASCP clear wax, and my tired old thrift shop breadbox takes on shabby farmhouse style.  If you don't want to wax, you can seal with Varathane Clear Matte Finish Soft Touch Polyurethane. 

Another thrift shop makeover from Organized Clutter!


Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. From dated to doh!! I didn't see this one coming... gorgeous! Doesn't even look like the same piece. Love how you flipped it over on the back!

  2. This turned out beautifully, Carlene...a wonderful transformation!

  3. The chicken wire was a fabulous idea. I never run across bread boxes at all. I used to have a great one and got rid of it a few years ago when I was cleaning off counter space. What the heck was I thinking????

  4. It is really fun to read your posts and see what you come up with! Very pretty!

  5. I love it! doesn't everything look better with chicken wire?

  6. That's an oldie but a goodie! I had one of those when I was first married. Had the matching onion and tater bin too, and I have no recollection of where they are now.

  7. Love this. Would like to find one like it. The one I redid
    had a cover that lifted like a roll top desk. Really like the
    use of chicken wire!

  8. The chicken wire makes it! And the wooden flower applique it is a nice touch! Sweet! Will you use it for bread or just decoration?

  9. What a great it!!

  10. Really nice Carlene. Love the use of chicken wire.

  11. Oh! I love it! I think this is wonderful.
    I'd have to put the metal with the little squares... uh, metal fabric (?) ... you know, Country Living... and mice! (there I said it... somebody had to )
    I'm looking for one of these..

  12. It looks awesome now, Carlene - I love it! Thanks for linking it up at the Vintage Inspiration Party!

  13. Oh wow you did an amazing job. It looked pretty rough before, but it turned out really pretty. I like the chick wire on it. I passed one up at "Canton Trade Days", and once I got home I could of kicked myself for not buying it. Thanks for sharing!

  14. This came out so pretty - love the chicken wire. I recently madeover the same type of breadbox (I use it on my counter to hold small cans of cat food) , but I put fabric in the opening. I really love the look of the wire, so I am definitely going to change it over. Thanks so much for sharing this


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