A Re-Purposed Chair Back Photo Hanger

April 18, 2015

I have a few more free chair backs from my Junkin' Friend Jodi.  

For this repurpose, first, I sawed the spindles off of the bottom of the chair back.  I hope to find projects for the spindles as well.

Next I painted the chair back top with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in "Old White".  I also wet distressed the piece and waxed it with clear wax.

Then I glued four wooden gray stained clothespins on the chair back, with *Elmer's ProBond Glue.  I also added the curved metal hanger part from a vintage wooden suit hanger.  These hanger parts are threaded and screwed easily into the top of the chair back with a little start from the drill.  I painted an antique brass floral drawer knob back with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in "French Linen" and screwed it into the center of the chair back.  Lastly, I added vintage black and white photos to the clothespins and hung the photo holder on the wall!

This was a very easy project, requiring minimal skills!

The photo hanger is perfect with vintage decor!

* Update:  I ended up putting small nails in the clothespins as the glue did not hold after a while.  I would either nail, screw or use E6000 on this project!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. How pretty! I have an old curved chair back that I've been saving until something to do with it came up... I think this may be it! :o]


  2. Great idea - very pretty!!!

    Happy Sunday...

  3. Carlene ... Just so clever. Great recycle.
    You are really on a roll with creating interesting photo displays.
    Keep inspiring.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures.

  4. So clever.......I love the way you styled it with some cute tin items!


  5. I love this one too, Carlene! It looks great together with your pots and the scale.

  6. I love it! I want one! I see old chairs on the side of the road all the time....perfect for this.


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