Junk Garden Tour Sneak Preview
July 15, 2017
It seems like I have complained about the weather almost all spring and now summer! It's been wet, and it's been cool, and it's been cloudy. While I think the perennials may have enjoyed the extra moisture, I think my annuals would have preferred more heat and sun.
Today, my very first Asiatic Lily bud opened, so I will be sharing my 2017 garden tour very soon. Here is a sneak preview of some of the flowers and junk too!
Nicotiana, annual phlox and blue arrows rush on the left and black eyed Susan vines on the right in my old wheelbarrow.
Blue and white chips campanula are in mid bloom in the front row. The Stella de Oro is blooming but since today is cloudy, no blossoms open today. Calibrachoa and nemesia in the pots. I am loving the addition of the old sawhorse to the border!
Some of the shade lovers, on the northwest side of the house, hanging begonia, impatiens and golden creeping Jenny. Spirea on the lower right also in bloom.
More impatiens and a fuchsia.
That enamelware thrift shop tissue holder I stenciled is perched on a rustic stool next to the deck. Two types of thyme are planted inside, and YES, I put drainage holes in the bottom. I put drainage holes in all of this stuff.
Rosebud impatiens are in the enamelware coffeepot and a coleus is in the funnel among the farm junk and junk "gallery" fence.
I hope you are looking forward to this year's tour!
Items I use to keep my flower gardens thriving and weed free!

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