Progress in the Junk Garden July 1st
July 02, 2017
Back on May 28th, I planted and diagrammed my front yard junk garden border. Early on in June the weather was ideal, but as the month progressed, it got cooler and much wetter. The perennials seem to be thriving but the warm weather annuals are slow to grow.
On June 7th, I had changed up a few things and new growth was evident.
Here we are on July 1st, with the maiden pinks and creeping baby's breath in full bloom on the left. All of the Asiatic lilies are budded.
The old sawhorse was new to the junk garden in 2017. I originally planted a couple of Black Eyed Susan vines that I hoped would climb up the sawhorse, but when it looked like the support was too wide, I changed it up.
On June 7th, I had added another Marguerite daisy to the spot where I moved the Black Eyed Susan vine.
On July 1st, the Stella Del Oro daylily and the blue and white chips campanulas are budded, and the dusty miller is filling in under the sawhorse. The globe thistle are big and budded in the back row.
Here is the garden step ladder on planting day.
More zinnias and the shovel head art were added on June 7.
The ladder plants are filling in and the nasturiums are finally blooming. Annuals are behind schedule for July 1st. Shasta Daisy and globe thistle are filling in the tall back row.
Planting day on the right side of the junk garden.
June 7th changes.
On July 1st, Astilbe and nasturiums starting to bloom.
Planting day May 28th. More junk than plants visible.
June 7th.
July 1st.
May 28th.
June 7th.
July 1st! It's all coming together for a the 2017 garden tour later in July with all the tall perennials in full bloom!
How do I keep my garden beautiful? Miracle Gro Fertilizer, weeding often with a triangle shaped hoe (I don't even have to bend over) and deadheading with the Fiskars.

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