Thrift Shop Vintage Globe Bookends Upcycle

October 08, 2017

I purchased this set of vintage Made In Japan, Gifts Round the World bookends, at a thrift shop recently.  

I love globes but I want to lighten up my decor so I decided to paint the dark wood.

 I painted the wood bookends with Rustoleum Light Tint Base Chalked Ultra Matte Paint in Chiffon Cream.  It needs to be mixed.

I cut my stencil apart.  It's almost impossible to stencil on a small surface with the 8x8 stencil.  So I cut out the arrow, "Journey" and "By Air Mail".  

All stencils were done with black acrylic craft paint.

When I cut apart a stencil, I store all the pieces together with a paper clip.

I distressed all the edges with my FolkArt Layering Wood Block.    Detailed instructions on the layering block are here.  

I used Ceramcoat Walnut Noyer acrylic paint with my layering block.

Lightened up, brightened up and stenciled.

Thrift shop bookends.

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. lovely I have a set...this gives me some ideas...also had the complete set of these books when I was younger...loved them...reminds me to look for them again

  2. Carlene, when I saw those, I remembered they sell on Etsy just like they were, but I must say, I love the paint & stencils! It really did brighten it up considerably. Lovely job! I'm sure they'll sell in your booth.

    1. I needed to lighten them up for my dark books and bookshelves!

  3. Wonderful! Prefect for a book lover! Amazing idea!

  4. These look great! My Mom had a set of these years ago.


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