Stenciling Inexpensive Easter Pillow Covers
February 26, 2018
This "Egg Hunt" stencil from the FolkArt Holiday Value Stencil Pack
is perfectly sized for an Easter Pillow.
The stencil is one of a 26 stencil pack from FolkArt, that pretty much covers all of the major holidays.
I purchased the package of die cut paper stencils from Hobby Lobby.
Oops! The biggest cons of these stencil value packs is that you must punch out all of the paper stencil shapes. At first I used a pencil to press out the shapes, but as you can see I had a few spots that ripped.
I discovered that using a round toothpick with a much finer point, and much smaller in size actually worked better. I could press the toothpick point much closer to the perforated lines.
I also used the toothpicks to add small pinpoints of glue to my torn stencil areas. It worked, and my stencil was very usable.
Since these stencils are paper, they won't last through too many repeat projects.
This 18" x 18" pillow cover is 100% cotton and has a zipper in back. I purchased several at Hobby Lobby. (in store)
They are regularly $4.99 each, but Hobby Lobby puts them on sale quite frequently for 30-50% off.
I used a ruler to measure and perfectly center my stencil on the pillow cover. Then I taped it in place with blue painter's tape.
Be sure to place a piece of cardboard inside the pillow cover and under the stencil area so no paint seeps through to the back.
When I stencil, I squirt some of my craft paint on a paper plate, dip my brush in paint and dab until almost dry on the paper plate.
I am using Ceramcoat Select Multi-Surface Paint in Pale Yellow
. Ceramcoat Select is recommended for many surfaces, including fabrics.
My brush is from a set of stencil brushes from Dreamweaver.
My brush is from a set of stencil brushes from Dreamweaver.
Most standard sofa pillows are 18" x 18". If your sofa pillows have a zipper, you can remove an insert like this and stuff it in your holiday pillow covers. Much easier to store pillow covers than lots of pillows!
You could even try putting the stenciled holiday pillow covers over your non-zippered sofa pillows. Hopefully, the fabric won't show through your light cotton cover.
Other paints used in my "Egg Hunt" pillow are: Ceramcoat Select in Seafoam
, Purple
, Pale Yellow and Black
I paid $2.49 for my pillow cover, $9.99 for the pack of stencils, and I used my sofa pillow insert, so this pillow was super cheap.
Not to mention that I will use quite a few of the other holiday stencils.
The Easter egg stool is from a tissue paper decoupage project from last year.
My Cast Iron Rabbit Bunny Figurine
is still available at Amazon.
Hey, I made another Easter pillow cover from the FolkArt holiday stencil pack!
I used the same paints, adding Ceramcoat Multi-Surface Paint in Trail Tan
for the basket.
Stenciling on fabric is pretty easy. Just go slow at first and use a pretty dry brush.
If you need to add a second coat, that would be better than one sloppy coat.
Remember you can't sand off or paint over a boo-boo like you can on wood.
But don't let me scare you! It's not THAT bad.
Other inexpensive Hobby Lobby pillow covers:

Sharing is caring
I love making pillow covers, too...your Easter pillow covers are adorable!