Thrift Shop Fish Cutting Board Repurpose

March 15, 2018

You know how I love to find cutting boards at the thrift shop!   I snatched this one up last week.

I have a repurpose project in mind for this fish!

This cutting board had not been used much.  If they are oily or gummy I usually spray them with KRUD KUTTER Tough Task Remover.  This one I just washed with a rag dipped in Dawn dish soapy water.

I also purchased  a new product from Varathane last week.   It's called Varathane Weathered Wood Accelerator.  I have been using the vinegar and steel wool aging method to age new wood.  

I brushed on one coat of the Weathered Wood Accelerator with a sponge brush.  

This is after one coat.  I ended up doing three, letting it dry in between coats for about an hour.  It says to wait 4 hours in between coats but my board didn't seem wet or sticky.  The 4 hour time may be recommended to prevent you from getting the board too dark or too gray as the product darkens with time.

After my board was aged to my liking, I pulled out my *Old Sign Stencils Getaway Collection "Lake" stencil.

I taped it to my fish board with blue painter's tape.  It was easy to line up the stencil with lines in the board.

I stenciled "Lake" with Fusion Mineral Paint in Champlain.  With Fusion I will not have to seal the stencil.

I added a white boat tie down type hook from Hobby Lobby.  

(Be sure to buy them when they are 50% off.)

I also nailed a sawtooth hanger on the back center of the fish.

Here's the before and after the application of the Weathered Wood Accelerator!

It doesn't look like a cutting board now!

Another project with the lake stencil:

**Old Sign Stencils provided me with complimentary samples.  All opinions about these fabulous products are my own.
Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. That turned out so great, Carlene...that accelerator gives a wonderful look to the wood!

  2. Fun sign Carlene!! I admit, I have never heard of the Varathane product. How cool is that? :) Fun signs you have made. :)
    ~ Christina in SW FL

  3. So cute! I love fish cutting boards.

  4. This is SO clever, Carlene! My first thought was that you actually landed some fish template... but you sure have me looking at cutting boards in an all new way!

    I've featured this in this weekend's DIY Salvaged Junk Projects. Thanks for linking up!


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