Dated Thrift Shop Wall Art to Faux Chalkboard Office Sign

May 01, 2018
I found this old wall art at a local thrift shop recently.  

It is one of those pressed board prints with a pretty great frame from the 1960's era.  The print was attached with wire staples.

I loved the frame.  It was rectangular and perfect for a sign!

The sign part was easy!  

I removed the cardboard print, cleaned off dust with a damp rag, and brushed on two coats of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Graphite on it.  

Graphite give the pressed board a chalkboard like appearance.

After the Graphite dried, I pulled out my new stencils from *Old Sign Stencils - Small Office Sign stencil and the flourish from the Open/Closed stencil.

I pounced on the stencils with Ceramcoat Acrylic Paint in White.  I pounced it on rather opaquely so it looked more like chalk.

The frame was a bit more of a problem.  

I first brushed on two coats of Chalked Paint, in Chiffon Cream, only to get stain bleed through.

Sometimes older stains and finishes have a higher probability of stain bleed through.  My paint turned yellow instead of cream.

I brushed on a couple of coats of Bulls Eye Clear Shellac.

This stuff works but it is toxic smelling.  I am hoping to find a better product, especially if I paint indoors in the winter.

After the shellac, I brushed on another coat of the Chalked Chiffon Cream. 

Now, to faux distress the frame with my FolkArt Layering Wood Block and Ceramcoat Craft Paint in Walnut Noyer.

I squirt some craft paint on a paper plate.  In the past, I used a small sponge paint brush to paint the whole layering block surface.  Now I just load paint on the edge of the layering block.  

This seems to help prevent more boo-boos should the layering block hit places I don't want faux distressing.

Keep in mind that this is paint.  If the layering block does leave paint in an unwanted place, just re-paint/touch up with your chalk paint.

Here is what my frame looks like after ONE pass of the layering block.

You can go over this area again or stay with light distressing.

Here I am applying paint on the frame edges with my layering block.

I re-attached my pressed board sign to the frame using Glazier Push Points.  

Use a heavy duty screwdriver to push in the push points.  Depending on the wood type, it may take a little muscle.

Two saw tooth hangers were already on the frame.

I sealed the frame and faux chalkboard with a couple of coats of Krylon Gallery Series Artist Clear Coatings Spray Satin Finish. 

It's a shabby chic style "office" faux chalkboard sign!

I love it!  Check out these stencils!
*Old Sign Stencils provided me with complimentary samples.
All opinions about these fabulous products are my own.

And a Home Sign.
Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. I love it, especially the coffee one. I will have to be on the look out for frames now.

  2. Love all your projects Carlene! It's my treat by the end of the day-to-day to check if any new projects posted! Thank you for inspiration :) Olga

  3. Carlene, this is wonderful! I love Donna's stencil on this piece. Love the layering block and how it "distresses" just right with your light hand, looks like natural "wear". Great frame. You really know how to make a piece sing!
    ~ Christina in SW FL

  4. Super awesome ideas!! Could you use the same product you sealed with, on the frame before you painted it? Love our ideas, read every one of them..

    1. Yes you could put it on first. My pet peeve, bleed through. Thank you!

  5. So SOOO gorgeous, Carlene! I love your chalkboard take on this one so much! Perfect for those that don't exhibit those types of penman skills... (raising hand and hopping up and down here! haha)

    Wonderful execution for this stencil! Thank-you for doing it justice!

  6. I have a very similar Paul Dettlefren picture that is not as faded as yours appears; I'm not ready to paint over it. Maybe I'll paint the other side of the cardboard! Don't have a wall big enough and am not sure WHY I am keeping it except I love his happy, storytelling pictures!


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