Antique School Desk Upcycle With Milk Paint & Stencils
May 13, 2019
I purchased this A. H. Andrews antique school desk last week at No Place Like Home Again.
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
I am usually able to find some cool junk in the spring for indoors and especially outdoors at No Place!
The desk was in fair condition. Nothing broken or missing, but the finish was rough.
It needed a good cleaning.
I washed it down with hot soapy Dawn dish water and also sprayed it with KRUD KUTTER Cleaner/Degreaser Spray
I then wiped it down with clear water and a damp rag to remove the soap.
I chose to paint the wood only with Homestead House Milk Paint in Coal Black.
When most of original finish is off like this, the paint almost becomes a stain, and soaks into the wood.
After I brushed on two coats of the milk paint, I used a damp rag and wet distressed the edges, and a bit in the center areas as well.
I pulled out this stencil pack.
I have used this stencil pack from Plaid before.
I have used the "Let's Stay Home" stencil before too.
When most of original finish is off like this, the paint almost becomes a stain, and soaks into the wood.
After I brushed on two coats of the milk paint, I used a damp rag and wet distressed the edges, and a bit in the center areas as well.
I pulled out this stencil pack.
I have used this stencil pack from Plaid before.
I have used the "Let's Stay Home" stencil before too.
I centered and taped on my Folkart Stencil from Plaid.
I used Fusion Mineral Paint in Champlain
to stencil the lettering.
Many times these cheaper stencil packs have all too obvious stencil bridges.
Some people use a liner brush and connect the bridges. I prefer to tape around the opening with blue painters tape, and pounce the bridge closed using a fine stencil brush.
I had this bridge taped off, and an pounced the opening closed.
Here is another stencil tip.
See the small stencil paint bleed spot that the arrow is pointing too? This can be fixed easily using a small piece of 220 grit sandpaper folded in fourths. I use the inside fold point to lightly sand the spot off.
Here is the stencil bleed after sanding with the sandpaper's inner fold.
I gave all the stenciling a very light sanding with 220 grit sandpaper, applying very little pressure.
My last step was to wipe on Miss Mustard Seed's Hemp Oil
. I even wiped it on the iron portions.
I love the way it turned out.
My first thought was to leave the desk as is, and put it out in the garden, but I then decided to paint it and use it as a display piece on my covered patio.
Since it won't be out in the elements, I can stage the desk with shade plants, books, and vintage garden tools.
When you love your flower gardens and yard, you want to "Stay Home"! At least I do.
Thanks for visiting!

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