Garage Sale Weathered Wood Junk Garden Planter
Container Gardens,
Garage Sale Finds,
Garden Junk,
Old Sign Stencils,
Outdoor Decorating,
May 17, 2019
Last June, I purchased this table? at the Littlefork Minnesota Citywide Garage Sales.
I only paid $2, and I thought it had possibilities.
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
I really wasn't sure what to do with it. Add a center panel and make a table?
Or make a planter?
It just so happened that I had some dog eared cedar fence picket pieces from Menard's on hand.
A frame was made with the cedar fence board scraps.
The four boards were nailed together, and then screwed into the table frame.
Next, a square piece of hardware cloth from Menards was stapled to the bottom of the cedar fence board frame.
Since the cedar fence boards were not grayed like the old table boards, I used some of my "steel wool/white vinegar stain".
It's easy to make. Just pour white vinegar into a jar and add one or two SOS pads (soap rinsed out) to the vinegar. Let it sit a couple of days and then brush it on your new wood.
You may need two coats.
Next I added stenciling from the four new *Old Sign Stencils' Garden Stencils.
"GARDEN" from Garden Shop from *Old Sign Stencils.
From Locally Grown Herbs, I used the leaves and "HERBS".
I stenciled the flower graphic and "FLOWERS" from the Fresh Cut Flowers stencil.
And "SEEDS" from the Wild Flower Seeds.
All stenciling was pounced on with Fusion Mineral Paint in Champlain
, and I used THOMPSONS WATERSEAL Clear Wood Protector
to add water protection to the gray wood.
I either brush on the above, or spray on Thompson's Waterseal Waterproofer Plus Clear Wood Protector
on my outdoor garden gray weathered wood, and I put it in the shed for the winter. It lasts much longer.
If you want to start building your stencil inventory, these four garden stencils are a great place to start!
*All stencil prices are in Canadian funds. Use the currency converter to find your price on US funds.
*Old Sign Stencils provided me with complimentary samples.
All opinions about these fabulous stencils are my own.
As you can see, the herb stencil leaves and the fresh cut flower petals and blooms are on the four corners, and seeds, herbs, garden, and flowers are stenciled on each side.
A Round Coco Fiber Liner
on top of the hardware cloth hold in the dirt.
I planted the new table planter with Proven Winners Sunsatia Cranberry Nemesia and Techno Blue Lobelia.
I have planted these two annuals together before and loved the combination.
I am not sure where I will put my new planter yet, but I will share it's progress as it grows.
Thanks for visiting.

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Carlene, I love it! The rustic look is so cool, I wish I had one just like it! Thanks for the recipe for aging wood, too. I can imagine that coming in handy.
ReplyDeleteLove it! I like the stencils and the live flowers! Nothing better than blue and red!
ReplyDeleteSorry. A coco liner!
DeleteWhat do you use to keep the soil from washing through the hardware cloth? Vermont is finally waking up and I'm eager to get my junk garden going!