Decorating the Junk Garden Potting Bench
Container Gardens,
Farmhouse Style,
Flower Gardening,
Garden Backdrops,
Garden Junk,
Old Sign Stencils,
Outdoor Decorating,
June 07, 2019
Back in 2013, I spied this potting sink at No Place Like Home, a local consignment/antique shop.
For me, it was love at first sight!
I have had great fun decorating it every gardening season!
Read on to see this year's potting sink/bench...
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
Of course, I stenciled some of the potting bench decor, like this wooden garage sale planter, stenciled with an *Old Sign Stencils garden design, Fresh Cut Flowers HERE.
I used Fusion Mineral Paint in Champlain
for the stenciling. Fusion Mineral Paint is pretty tough, even for outside. I did spray it, however, with a couple coats of Krylon Gallery Series Artist and Clear Coatings Aerosol in Satin Finish
for extra protection.
I purchased a cheap plastic terracotta look planter filled with geraniums and a spike, and simply placed the pot inside the wooden pot.
I purchased a cheap plastic terracotta look planter filled with geraniums and a spike, and simply placed the pot inside the wooden pot.
I found this tiny vintage watering can at a garage sale this season, dirt cheap, 25 cents. It's the smallest one I have every found.
It is situated in my stenciled crate from an an earlier post HERE. A red zonal geranium is planted in a small galvanized pot in the rear of the crate.
I stenciled a couple of my galvanized buckets last season in a post HERE.
This year, I planted a Confetti Garden Glossy Cherry Mix, in the rooster pails. The Glossy Cherry Mix consists of Petunia Peppy Cerise, Verbena Empress Flair Cherry, Yolo White Alysum.
I added an additional red verbena to each bucket as well. I found the Confetti Garden Mixed Planters at our local Kmart.
The old iron dolly was purchased last year, along with the large scrub bucket. The bucket is planted with red double impatiens.
The tractor flag was a project from last year! DIY details for the flag can be found HERE.
This year I stenciled a number on three of my watering cans.
I used my DecoArt Americana Decor Stencil, Old World Numbers
stencil, and Fusion Mineral Paint in Coal Black
to stencil each number.
I cut the stencil apart to make it easier to work with.
I cut the stencil apart to make it easier to work with.
The three watering cans were then situated on the bottom shelf of the potting sink.
This barn door planter is a project from a couple years ago. DIY details and stencil information can be found HERE. It is one of my favorite garden junk projects!
The planter box is planter with Verbena Lanai Star.
This area is to the right of the potting sink.
Washtubs, a red window screen, old water pumps, signs, and the weathered wood planter project from last month HERE, all decorate the potting bench area.
Plants include Mercardonia Gold Dust, Red Zonal Geraniums, Lemon Slice Calibrachoa, Scaveola, red Nemesia, and Techno Heat Lobelias.
And this is how it all comes together! Can't wait until the plants all fill in.
Thanks for visiting!
New Garden Stencils from Old Sign Stencils!
And Wild Flower Seeds.
If you want to start building your garden stencil inventory, these four garden stencils are a great place to start!
*All stencil prices are in Canadian funds. Use the currency converter to find your price on US funds.
*Old Sign Stencils provided me with complimentary samples.
All opinions about these fabulous stencils are my own.

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