More Garden Junk Stencils
Flower Gardening,
Garden Junk,
Old Sign Stencils,
Outdoor Decorating,
June 13, 2019
I have been doing a bit more garden junk stenciling!
I hope you will take a look...
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
I have added a list (with links) of the stencils I used in these projects at the bottom.
The small galvanized bucket on the left was first painted with Dixie Belle Chalk Finish Paint in Drop Cloth
and heavily wet distressed, right after the paint dried.
The flower and the rooster were stenciled using Fusion Mineral Paint in Ash
The coffeepot and galvanized bucket are planted with annual twinkle star phlox.
I love annual phlox.
The flower and the rooster were stenciled using Fusion Mineral Paint in Ash
The coffeepot and galvanized bucket are planted with annual twinkle star phlox.
I love annual phlox.
I also stenciled the old pulley with 100 lbs. and 873.
The Potting Shed sign was stenciled a couple years ago using Fusion Mineral Paint in Champlain
The last couple of years I had a cloth, stenciled curtain stapled to the back of the old window frame, which was really cute and homey, but it always got dirty or water stained by the end of the season.
This year, I have a Potting Shed, weathered wood cornice on my window.
A hot pink, zonal geranium is at the left of the window frame, a dark pink verbena is in the galvanized window box, and the tea kettle holds dianthus.
The last couple of years I had a cloth, stenciled curtain stapled to the back of the old window frame, which was really cute and homey, but it always got dirty or water stained by the end of the season.
This year, I have a Potting Shed, weathered wood cornice on my window.
A hot pink, zonal geranium is at the left of the window frame, a dark pink verbena is in the galvanized window box, and the tea kettle holds dianthus.
I like this rustic area next to my shed.
All the plants are newly planted, and will fill out and bloom in time for my July junk garden tour.
My Kalalou Galvanized Metal Flower Wall Hangings
are still available on Amazon.
I have an indoor and outdoor collection of old pulleys.
This one got a 50 LB stencil.
This sign was painted with Fusion Mineral Paint in Ash, and stenciled with Champlain.
I didn't make the sign. It's a revamp of a garden sign I purchased years ago.
I stenciled this rock with Fusion Mineral Paint in Ash.
Where to get the stencils I used in this blog post:
Wild Flower Seeds stencil was used on the sign above.
Some of the Sugar Stencil numbers were pounced on the old pulley.
The Potting Shed stencil was used on my window frame sign/cornice!
The Fresh Cut Flowers stencil made a rock into a flower pot sign.
The 50 LB. graphic from the Stone Milled Flour stencil was pounced onto the small pulley.
*All stencil prices are in Canadian funds. Use the currency converter to find your price on US funds.
*Old Sign Stencils provided me with complimentary samples.
All opinions about these fabulous stencils are my own.
This Rooster Stencil from Hobby Lobby decorates a large galvanized watering can.
AND, the flower on the bottom left of this Small flower stencils from Hobby Lobby was added to the small galvanized pail.
Thanks for visiting!

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