Stenciled Wooden Clothes Hanger Wall Decor
Farmhouse Style,
Garage Sale Finds,
Old Sign Stencils,
September 17, 2019
Do you pick up wooden hangers at garage sales? I do.
I purchased 3 hangers for 50 cents at a recent sale. I prefer hangers with hotels or dry cleaners advertising stamps on them.
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
I may not have hotel or dry cleaners stamps, but I have shipping crate stamps!
The stencils were a little big, but actually worked quite well.
I found areas to use on the shipping crate stencil on three hangers.
I stenciled the hangers using Fusion Mineral Paint in Ash.
You can try to tape the stencil in place, but I found it easier to just hold it down while I swirled and pounced on the words and graphics.
I love old hangers on the wall.
My small bathroom is decorated with several old hangers, most with advertising or unusually shaped vintage wire hangers.
I think these newly stenciled hangers would look great on a laundry room wall!
Easy and inexpensive decor!
All prices on the Old Sign Stencils's website are listed in Canadian currency, but there is a handy conversion link for your convenience.
*Old Sign Stencils provided me with complimentary samples. All opinions about these fabulous stencils are my own.
Other Shipping Crate Stencil Projects:
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