Stenciled Vintage Ice Skate Rustic Christmas Outdoor Decor
Garage Sale Finds,
Holiday Decorating,
Old Sign Stencils,
Outdoor Decorating,
Rustic Decor,
November 12, 2019
I purchased this pair of skates at a garage sale last summer for $3.
They are marked on the bottom Johnson's Racing Skates. They are in rough, rusty, and dirty shape, but perfect for Christmas junky decor.
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
First I washed the skates inside and out with hot soapy (Dawn dish soap) water and a rag. I wasn't worried about the rust on the blades.
I pulled out the Winter Graphics stencil from Old Sign Stencils. I have had this stencil for a couple years now, and use the snowflake stencil often.
This is Dixie Belle Paint Company Big Mama's Butta. I love it!
It contains all natural Hemp Seed Oil, Coconut Oil, Beeswax and Carnauba Wax. It will seal my paint and also condition the old leather. (BUT FIRST, the can of wax slid inside the skate to make a solid surface to stencil on. Especially the heel area.)
I used the medium snowflake stencil on the heel and the small snowflake stencil on the side of the foot and toes. I chose Fusion Mineral Paint in Champlain
for my stencil paint.
I don't have any photos of the process. I didn't use blue painter's tape to hold the stencil down. I used the fingers on my left hand. I had a couple of unsuitable stenciled snowflakes that I washed off and started over. I sprayed my wet rag with KRUD KUTTER
and wiped the bad stencils off.
When I had the six snowflakes on the skates, I rubbed them with Big Mama's Butta and a throw away INTEX SUPPLY Fiber Rag.
I considered using a plaid ribbon for the skates' laces but ended up using just jute. I love the jute!
I used packing tape on the ends of the jute. This kept the thick jute sliding through all of the holes. I knotted the ends of the laces.
It was 10 below zero here in northern Minnesota this morning. Too cold to work on my outdoor covered patio Christmas decor.
I did manage to set my skates outside on a barn wood shelf.
You can almost stencil on anything!
I am hoping to finish up my patio this weekend when balmy 35 degree highs are predicted!
All prices on the Old Sign Stencils's website are listed in Canadian currency. A handy currency conversion link is provided for your convenience.
*Old Sign Stencils provided me with complimentary samples. All opinions about these fabulous stencils are my own.
Other OSS snowflake stencil projects:
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