Cutting Board Easter/Spring Farmhouse Decor
March 04, 2020
My mom found this little cutting board at a thrift shop.
I repurposed it as Farmhouse Easter/Spring decor.
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
I purchased this home decor metal box at a Hobby Lobby store recently. It was priced at $6.99 but I paid 50% off. The container is available online but only as a 3 box set HERE.
After wiping the cutting board down with a damp rag and Krud Kutter Degreaser spray, I brushed on two coats of Dixie Belle Chalk Finish Paint in Fluff.
I used an inexpensive foam brush. I have been using a water spray bottle to spritz my brushes (all of them) before dipping them in my paint jar, and found the paint goes on so smoothly now.
I have had the FolkArt Paper Stencil Pack - Garden Icons
for several years.
I chose the bunny stencil in the pack.
I chose the bunny stencil in the pack.
After taping the stencil down with blue painter's tape, I swirled and pounced on the stencil using Fusion Mineral Paint in Ash.
Instead of distressing the cutting board, I pulled out my FolkArt Layering Block.
With the layering block, I added Ceramcoat Acrylic Paint in Walnut Noyer
(dark brown) to the edges of the cutting board, but it looks like brown paint/stain peeking out under the white paint.
I squirted out some Walnut Noyer on a paper plate and used a small sponge brush to add a stripe of paint on one side of the layering block.
With the layering block, I added Ceramcoat Acrylic Paint in Walnut Noyer
I squirted out some Walnut Noyer on a paper plate and used a small sponge brush to add a stripe of paint on one side of the layering block.
Next, I ran the painted side of the layering block along all the cutting board edges. (I held the cutting board in one hand while using the layering block.)
You may need a little practice, but YOU WILL get the hang of it. If you screw up you just touch up with white paint.
Here one side of the cutting board has been faux distressed with the layering block.
Here is the back of the cutting board (uff-da side) and the back of the metal container. The cutting board was placed inside the container and screwed into the metal container from the back. I discovered a small lip on the metal container made the cutting board tilt forward so a small shim was added to the back of the cutting board towards the bottom. The screws were put back in.
I waxed the cutting board with Dixie Belle Best Dang Wax in Clear
and a fiber rag.
The adorable buffalo check carrots are from Hobby Lobby.
I added a jute twine tie to the hole on top of the cutting board. (The hole could also be used to hang the bunny display on the wall.)
Of course Easter grass and Easter eggs would work inside my display piece.
Or even a potted faux plant.
You can find my Easter Moss Flocked Bunny
at Amazon.
Thanks for visiting!

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