The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020

July 28, 2020
The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
Today, I am sharing front yard border photos from the last nine blog years.

Some years have subtle changes, but I try most years to change up the junk and some of the flowers too.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
 Terracotta pots on the stepladder in 2012.  Annuals outnumber the perennial plants.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
 More perennials were added in 2013, and the red monarda has become my favorite.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
2014's border had a fabulous junky stool of Bidens.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
This year I did well on managing the plant heights for maximum impact.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
The stool made a return in the border with lantana and zinnias.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
I love it when the ladder pots really fill out!

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
This is the first season I added Benary zinnias to the border.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
2016 was the first year of my wire basket cloche of Nasturiums.  The basket kept them somewhat contained.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
And I became a sign maker with Old Sign Stencils.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
2017 was the first season for the sawhorse.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
It was perfect in the junk garden!

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
The monarda was awesome in 2017!

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
I didn't change all that much in 2018.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
In 2019, I repainted the "Garden of Weed'n" sign with "Bed and Breakfast".

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
I planted a morning glory in a laundry tub with an obelisk trellis.  It was a bomb.  Very few blooms.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
The view of the border is beautiful behind these old tubs.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
The bright color provided by the lilies is over, and a few of the annuals have slowed down a bit in this late July border.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
My techno heat lobelias had troubles with some early on heat this year.  

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
Early season photos of the 2020 border.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
I had lots of deer problems again this year, even with spraying Liquid Fence.

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020
Thanks for looking back with me at the border 2012-2020!

The Front Yard Flower Border 2012-2020

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Beautiful tour, Carlene! I'm always amazed that you get so much height. That ladder is such a neat trick to use too!

    I can't even pick which year I adore most... they are all magnificent!

  2. I do the same with my flowers, Carlene. I take pictures every year throughout the summer months, and this year I've started a gardening journal, with pictures and notes about what's doing well and what problems I incur. Taking notes for new flowers to add next year.

  3. They are all beautiful! Thank you for sharing all of your time, work, & creativity - so inspirational!

  4. Beautiful as always Carlene! Hope you are well :)

  5. hi Carlene, every year it looks so wonderful! i have two large funnels stuck in openings of an old cook stove. what are yours on, something like broom sticks?

  6. Such a lovely journey through the evolution of your front yard flower border! Your dedication and passion truly shine in every bloom.


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