Books Upcycled As Kitchen Decor with Dollar Tree Stencil & Previous Decor Book Projects

March 09, 2021
This is a another stencil I purchased recently at Dollar Tree.

It fit perfectly on a couple of thrifted books, so I transformed them into decorative kitchen cookbooks.

(When you click on the bold AmazonOld Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint 
Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

I brushed a base coat on the books with Ceramcoat Acrylic Paint in Black. 

Then I painted one with Dixie Belle Chalk Finish Paint in Barn Red and one in Hurricane Gray.  After the paint was dried, I wet distressed the edges with a wet tee shirt rag.  I concentrated on the edges. The wet distressing technique leaves the black acrylic paint showing through chalk paint on the edges.

Like I said, the Dollar Tree stencil fit the books perfectly.

I stenciled the kitchen wares in Dixie Belle Hurricane Gray, Putty, and Fluff.

This is the crazy way I fill in the stencil bridges, with torn bits of blue painter's tape, placed around the gaps.

I simply use a very fine stencil brush to pounce in the gaps.

I cut Breakfast and Lunch from my Delicious Menu Decor Transfer and rubbed them on the spines.

I have used this decor transfer for several projects already.

I painted the second book with Hurricane Gray with Putty, Barn Red, and Fluff stencils.

Here is book two with the stenciling complete.

Here are both book fronts,

And the spines.

I waxed both of the books with Dixie Belle Easy Peasy Spray Wax.

The books coordinate with my kitchen decor!

Here are more of my decor book projects:

Thanks for visiting!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Love your books. I like cookbooks of any kind, and repurposing old books to look like cook books is fun! Thanks for sharing.


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