April Junk Finds For Upcycling & The Junk Garden

May 02, 2021


A fun four days in the Twin Cities netted a haul to upcycle and repurpose AND some super fun new garden junk.  

Many more photos.

I found this small painted crate at a local thrift shop before leaving for the Cities. I am planning to upcycle for the garden.

Galvanized canisters found at Goodwill.

I will remove the labels and upcycle them.

More decorative canisters from Goodwill to upcycle.

These rough, stained wood photo frames also from Goodwill will be upcycled and maybe repurposed too.

This small oval coffee table was priced at $4.99 at Goodwill.

A palette type @ sign from Goodwill.

I think I will remove the @ sign and make it into a rustic sign.

A plain stool from Goodwill requiring a makeover!

A wooden children's toy toolbox from Goodwill will be come a decorative tote.

A wooden crate with some age from Goodwill.  The ends have clipboard type material attached to the ends.

I can't pass up inexpensive crates.

I am always adding to my bucket collection for the garden.

Garage sale finds.  An enamelware coffeepot without the lid and a small slaw cutter.

Another garage sale find, a grain or feed scoop with lots of neat rust.

An antique store find. A very rusty child's folding chair.

I have never had an outdoor topiary.  I passed on one for $86 in favor of this lantana at $45.

I can't contain my excitement on this purchase!  I am now the owner of the tall windmill!  It wasn't cheap but well worth it to me.  

Another antique shop purchase, this rustic zinc topped sink.  Perfect for the junk garden.

My old potting sink, that has appeared on my blog since 2013, received new cedar legs and shelf.  Thanks to my husband for helping!

It is being relocated in my yard! More to come soon!  

Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Envious of all your finds! We hauled our windmill home from our hunting house in Kansas! I'm determined to plant the base this year!


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