Garage Sale Container With Bottles Received A Festive Christmas Makeover with Paint & Decor Transfers

September 28, 2021

I picked up these little bottles in a rusty black metal holder at a garage sale for $1 last Saturday.

I just gave them a festive Christmas makeover!

 (When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I used for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

First, I washed the bottles in hot soapy Dawn Dish Soap water in the kitchen sink and let them dry upside down overnight.

I pulled out my Dixie Belle Chalk Finish Paint in Drop ClothThis is a great chalk paint off white color, that will stick to the glass.

I used a sponge brush dampened with a water spritz from a spray bottle, and painted the tops of the bottles first.

I applied two coats of paint to the tops and bottoms of the bottles.

I then used a 3M Sanding Sponge in Fine/Medium to distress the tops a bit and smooth out the brush strokes.

I'm loving these new small decor transfers now available from Redesign with Prima. Perfect for small projects.

  I purchased these from Maika's Daughters (online).  They are also available on Etsy.  
I used Classic Christmas for my bottle project.  There are three 6" x 12" sheets of designs in each package.  I cut out three designs for the bottles.

This design with bells, holly and a bow fit the bottle pretty well so I peeled off the backing paper and centered it on the front of the bottle.  

I used the flat stick to rub on the transfer.

One done.

Here are my three bottles after painting, distressing, adding transfers and waxing the bottles with a coat of Dixie Belle Best Dang Wax in Clear.

I cut apart this evergreen stem with a wire cutter.  I found it at a local floral shop.  It's made by Sullivans Gifts.

I stuffed the greenery into each bottle.

I decided not to add any further decoration like bows, etc.

I love this new Christmas transfer on off white bottles!

Thanks for visiting! I'm going to look for more junk to add Christmas transfers on.

Pin for later!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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