Spring Book Stack Project With Wood Appliques
March 27, 2022
I found a package of wooden wood floral appliques at Hobby Lobby recently.
I used them on a new book stack project.
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I used for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
Old books are pretty easy to find at a good price at garage sales, thrift stores, Friends of the Public Library groups, etc. Even Dollar Tree.
I needed thicker books for my applique project.
My books were clamped together to hold them up. I used Gorilla Contact Adhesive to add the appliques.
On the larger book, I slid a paint stick under the binding to keep the spine straight while the glue dried overnight.
I picked up the slender book at Dollar Tree.
I wanted a three book stack but another thick book would create a mountain!
Once again I used my new Dixie Belle Chalk Paint threesome of Burlap, Dried Sage, and Drop Cloth.
Dixie Belle Paint Company provided me with complimentary product samples. All opinions about this fabulous stencil or paint are my own.
I then pulled out this Folkart rub on transfer package that I had purchased at a Joann Fabrics store. I just used some of the designs on my Target Bullseye Playground Chair Shelf Makeover.
This round scroll-y design will go on the top book center.
I added these two squarish designs on a diagonal on the spine of the thin book.
I rubbed two triangular shapes onto the bottom book spine ends.
I waxed the books with a wax brush and Dixie Belle's Best Dang Wax in Clear.
I used sisal twine to hold my books together.
I like how they turned out!
I love upcycling old books. Here are more of my decor book projects:
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