My Junk Garden Decor On The Back Deck Wall
Container Gardens,
Flower Gardening,
Garden Junk,
Outdoor Decorating,
Rustic Decor,
June 28, 2022
Today I'm sharing more of my current and past junk garden plantings.
This area is just past my deck, towards the back of the house. Maybe you remember this area that got a makeover just last year HERE.
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
This old red wheelbarrow has been in the shed for a few years, and once again returns to the top of an old garden table. A red caliope geranium and a heliotrope are planted in the pots in the wheelbarrow.
The herb themed stepstool was a project from a few weeks ago.
Just past the picket fence are two rusty vintage cultivators. One has a funnel holding a lantana plant, and the cream separator has another red caliope geranium.
The wooden planter boxes that hold terracotta pots came with the house. They are old and need to be repainted with white paint from time to time. I usually plant seed geranium plants in them. As the trees continue to mature in my yard, this area has become more of a shady area.
I've had this old barn door for many years. I still love it. I purchased the gas station "3" sign several years ago at a flea market. The trough in front of the door is planted with pansies. Three clumps of hostas grow in the ground to the left.
The following photos are from previous years:
This photo is from last year. We had very warm weather last year, but severe drought. My geraniums and red verbenas flourished here with daily watering with a weak mixture of Miracle Gro.
This photo is also from last year! I love my old junk with red annuals.
The trough is planted here with red ivy geraniums and Early Spring Lobelia. The three clumps of hostas have been in the ground here for over 20 years.
The sedum ground covers had really gotten out of hand here.
Wax begonias liked growing in this spot along the house.
I stenciled numbers on the old train engine and added mini pots of hen and chicks to the back of it.
This season I purchased pink seed geraniums for the window boxes.
The old wooden swing hangs on the deck railing planted with a pink diascia.
Coffeepots on wooden stakes with verbena bloom above red geraniums here.
The coleus and double impatiens had a great growing season.
This is an older blog photo from earlier years. I purchased the flag sign from a local shop.
This was the year of my fence junk gallery wall.
This season I flipped my lid with a pot lid barn door!
Another earlier year with a shutter angel and other crafts made by a talented school friend!
I used a fold up workbench as a potting bench here! The daisy painting on a window screen done by my classmate too.
The old chair was one of my mom's and the Perfection stove was from my neighbor. I loved the stove, but eventually the legs rusted off. 😢
This photo is from the first garden season of my blog 2012! I was the Junk Garden Queen, and I still love junk gardening!
Thanks for visiting!

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